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This week our Rector, the Ven. Glen Miller, was on vacation and so there is no recorded service available from this parish.  We apologize for the inconvenience but, if you are looking for a worship service in which to participate you might choose to access the Church of the Ascension's live  stream (link posted below) or one of the other Algoma Churches either in Sudbury or elsewhere.  Archdeacon Glen and Mary Beth will be back next week and so Home Worship Resources will be available for May 15.  May God richly bless your worship and know that our prayers are with you all.

For those able to attend in person we invite you to Christ Church in Lively at 9 am or St. John's in Copper Cliff at 11 am for a celebration of Holy Communion

Here is that link to the Church of the Ascension's service along with the text from their website

We continue to provide a live-stream of our services during the COVID-19 pandemic for those at home. This Sunday, May 8, we observe the Fourth Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), with a service of Holy Eucharist. The service can be viewed on Facebook