From the Pastor’s Desk
September 20, 2018


I hope this letter arrives at your door in a time of health and happiness. If not, please let me know so that I can join with you in prayer and ask God to bring you peace and joy. My own summer was a restful one over all as I did my best to cope with the heat while continuing to fulfill my responsibilities. It was also a time of some unexpected joys. As I write this the life of the parish is slowly returning to its normal level of activity after our summer recess and I hope to see many of you over the coming weeks as new activities are planned.

A new Deacon
One of those unexpected joys that has taken place is the fact that the Rev. Dr. Patti Brace has been assigned to our parish for the next few months as an Honourary Deacon Associate. Deacon Patti will be helping out while she learns more about the role of a Deacon in the Church in preparation for her eventual ordination to the priesthood. I have had the pleasure of working with Patti on a few other occasions and find her to be a person who loves Jesus and Jesus’ people. I look forward to her ministry among us.

A return to our regular schedule
While I always enjoy the break that comes with the summer months I also enjoy the return of the activities that help form us as a community. The Wednesday Discovery Group (Lively) and Friday Women’s Bible Study (Copper Cliff) have already resumed as has the Tuesday morning craft group (Copper Cliff). I love hearing the stories that come out of these marvellous fellowship groups. Our Wednesday morning Study group (Copper Cliff) and our Wednesday evening Men’s group (Lively) will be starting up in October. Our Sunday morning schedule also returns to its 9am in Lively and 11 am in Copper Cliff pattern. I am thankful to God for those of you who find this schedule a bit of a challenge but remain faithful attenders. I look forward to a new season of growth and signs of renewed vitality.

Two new members
Over the past few months we have welcomed Collis Machoko into our fellowship at St. John’s as well as Helen Reid. While Collis is able to attend on Sundays Helen, who lives at Meadowbrook Village in Lively, attends the Friday Bible Study there. Getting to know these two members has been a joy.

Our children’s ministry
One of my favourite parts of being your pastor is watching the youngest members of our congregation grow in their understanding of God and their place in the community of faith. We are blessed in this parish with many dedicated volunteers who offer leadership in this important aspect of our parish’s life. At Christ Church in Lively an active group of volunteers offers leadership in a Sunday School program each Sunday. At St. John’s in Copper Cliff volunteers help with the Messy Church events that happen about once a month. There are also important life moments that are celebrated (first communion, confirmation, baptisms) and we are always open to new ways to have our youngest members get involved. An Inter-generational liturgy is offered about once a month at Christ Church which features our children reading lessons, helping with the offering, and participating in other aspects of the liturgy. If you would like to get involved in this important part of our life as a parish please contact me.

The prayer cycle
Each Sunday selected households are mentioned in our bulletin and the congregations pray for these family units. Volunteers, with my endorsement, send out cards or other greetings to these people to let them know of our prayers. I have been a recipient of the assurance of this sort of prayer by the seminary I attended and it always gives me comfort. If you have received one of these notes I hope it has helped you in your day.

Our website
This past year saw us begin a new contract with a web-design company which hosts a united web-site for the two congregations. We chose to use an established address,, but the site is built for both congregations to use. If you have some suggestions as to how it can be made even more useful please let me know. This too is a work in progress.

Final thoughts
Within in joys I have experienced there was some sadness. During the summer I was asked to preside at a number of funerals including one for our dear friend Barbara Boyer. ‘Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon her’. As your pastor I share your joys and your sorrows. This fall I end my 10th year as the incumbent at St. John’s and I’m in the middle of my 18th year as the incumbent of Christ Church. I am looking forward to the coming year as we journey together over familiar paths and through new adventures. I invite you to come along for the ride.

Glen +

Some dates to remember

September 29 - Turkey Supper at Christ Church. Call David at 705-692-5201 to reserve a ticket. (A good place for high school students to volunteer)

October 2 - A Messy Church event will be held at St. John’s beginning at 4:45 pm. People of all ages are welcome and we ask that children be accompanied by an adult. Call Linda at 705-522-1639 for more information.

October 27 - A “Pumpkin Fair” at St. John’s. Baking, Crafts, and a Lunch of Chili or Soup and Sandwiches await participants from about 10 am to 2 pm.

November 3- To help us all understand a little more about the issue of Medical Assistance in Dying the Church of the Epiphany will be hosting an information event that is open to everyone. If you have questions or concerns about this issue please plan on attending.

November 6 - A Messy Church event will be held at St. John’s. See above notice for time.

November 24/25 - Christ Church will be celebrating its 65th anniversary during this weekend with a Saturday evening event followed the next day by a Sunday morning worship service. More details will be shared as the date approaches.

December 2 - An Advent Sunday Joint service at 11 am followed by a Pot-Luck Lunch will take place at St. John’s in Copper Cliff.

December 4 - A Messy Church event will take place at St. John’s. See above notice for time.